Friday, February 5, 2016

Day 5: What's Trim Healthy Mama Anyway?

This week is a busy week of cleaning houses (as long as the snow doesn't ruin those plans), so I need to get ahead on my menu making.  I thought maybe I would take this opportunity to tell everyone a little bit more about Trim Healthy Mama and some great sources for recipes and menus already planned out for you.  I don't know if I need to, but I want to put a disclaimer that I am not supported by any company or person that is associated with Trim Healthy Mama.  I'm not an expert in correct determination of appropriate foods for this program, but if you have any questions, please direct them to the Trim Healthy Mama website or Facebook page.  I don't make money from any of this.  I just do this for fun:)  So, let's get started.

Trim Healthy Mama is a balanced, healthy way of living created by two Christian sisters that first went to the Bible for their answers, then did an enormous amount of research on diet and how it affects the body.  It's a rather simplistic eating plan that is based on protein, then either added fats or carbs, depending on the meal chosen.  The key is to keep them separate for the body to process without storing excess in fat cells.  This is a very simplistic synopsis of the process and it is explained in much more detail in Serene Allison and Pearl Barrett's book, "Trim Healthy Mama" or the newest edition of the same.

The book might be pricier than a lot of books, but the information contained can't be beat and the ladies have a fun, entertaining way to present how the program works.  Plus, the book contains replacement recipes for some of the more popular foods that families eat.  There are delicious, yummy desserts and dishes that make Trim Healthy Mama easy peasy.  Not only that, but they just recently came out with a cookbook that expands your options even greater.

Just recently, Serene and Pearl have expanded their product and service to include a organizing website for a low monthly free where all their recipes are available to create a menu fitted just right for you.  It even creates a grocery list of chosen foods so you know what to get while at the grocery store.  There are chats and videos and video TV that helps show you how to prepare foods and allows you to be interactive with others on the same journey.  They also have their own product line that helps provide some of the harder items you may not be able to find in your local health store.  I have just recently purchased the organizing tool and getting ready to send in an order to try it all out.  I'm sure I'll let you know how that goes as this challenge continues.

As if this isn't enough, there are wonderful people online that have taken their concept and expanded on other foods that are off limits and have shared their recipes and menus with us freely! F-R-E-E!  Not only that, but you feel a part of a wonderful community of Christian ladies that encourage and cheer you on as you journey the Trim Healthy Mama way.  Below I will share some of the more used ones and perhaps be able to add to that list as time goes on.

If you've been looking for the perfect "diet" to get where you want to be, give THM a try!  I mean, what do you have to lose?  Weight?

Links of Happy Recipes:)

Gwen's Nest
Briana Thomas
Working at Homeschool
Darcie's Dishes
Mrs. Criddle's Kitchen

Today my day led to this menu:


  • Chicken Salad wrapped in a low carb tortilla (S)
  • Gosh Darn those Naughty salted caramel peanuts again! 13 of them!
Exercise:  Ugh, this is the hardest part!

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